‘Body as Proxy’ was a KABK symposium, where Jemima performed the ‘The Hand of the Messenger’. Like a classic nude model, she stands before a large white sheet of paper on the wall. From a frozen posture, she draws her own silhouette and then cuts it out. Next, she embraces her own silhouette, puts it down on the floor, solemnly folds it and hands it to a member of the audience.
Drawing on this performance, Jemima created “Curriculum Vitae”. Amy, Hassan, Achmed, Eliman and Kama, all former refugees show themselves in unusual ways. Confrontations transform into encounters where talent and wisdom become visible. She worked together with theatre maker, visual artist and father Roberto de Jonge (1962).
Curriculum Vitae was by invitation from Vluchtelingen In De Knel for the opening of the Day of the Refugees on 19 June 2022 in the Van Abbe museum, Eindhoven.